Thursday 19 September 2013

Sept 19, 2007, Kingsmead, Durban, An unforgettable night for Yuvraj Singh & Stuart Broad.

World Cup Twenty20 : 666666 in a 6-ball over in an international game only for the 2nd time ever and a 12-ball fifty,the fastest in any form of international cricket.An unforgettable night for Yuvraj Singh & Stuart Broad.

Yuvraj Singh became the second batsman,after Herschelle Gibbs,to hit 6 sixes in an over in international cricket.The occasion was the World Twenty20 encounter England,the venue Kingsmead,Durban,and the bowler under the withering onslaught was Stuart Broad. Yuvraj, spurred by comments from Andrew Flintoff before the penultimate over, launched the first ball over cow corner; the second - measured at 111 yards - disappeared over backward square leg; the third and fourth rocketed over extra cover and point; the fifth flew over midwicket; and the sixth six landed in the stands at long-on. Yuvraj's 12-ball half-century is a record in all forms of international cricket.

18.1 Broad to Yuvraj Singh, SIX, that's out the ground, super shot over cow corner and it just kept going up.
18.2 Broad to Yuvraj Singh, SIX, now that really is sweet, no more than a dismissive flick off his legs,swatting a fly, and the ball arcs deep into the crowd beyond backward square leg. The dodgy TV measurement says that's 111 yards but as it landed outside the ground how do they know? They guess that's how.
18.3 Broad to Yuvraj Singh, SIX, he's hitting them everywhere, he steps to leg and smashes the ball over extra cover and it keeps on traveling. The fireworks start on top of the scoreboard and they've been going off in the middle for some time.
18.4 Broad to Yuvraj Singh, SIX, Shiver me timbers! Broad goes round the wicket, bowls a filthy wide full toss and Yuvraj steers it over backward point and it clears the rope again.
18.5 Broad to Yuvraj Singh, SIX, down on one knee and larruped over midwicket, that one was more nine iron, it went into the night sky and dropped with a thud in the jubilant crowd. England have a team meeting.
Broad looks quizzical and miserable. Can he, can Yuvraj do it. Broad looks like a man who knows he is about to be mauled again.
18.6 Broad to Yuvraj Singh, SIX, and he has, Yuvraj leans back and smacks that over wide mid-on. It was the maximum from the moment it left that bat and the crowd was roaring as it flew.

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